Social Media

Navigating Social Media During the Pandemic

Social Media Marketing

the blog:

Navigating social media during a rough time is no easy feat, particularly because as a social media manager we’re often used to creating and scheduling media in advance.

In light of the coronavirus pandemic, at the very least none of us want to appear tone-deaf, but more so, most of us want to use this time to encourage, inspire and motivate our potential clients and customers. It’s not easy for any of us, and adjusting to a ‘helper’ mentality is critical. 

Here are a few tips that will help you adjust your approach to social media.

  • Be flexible. Because the news is constantly changing is *big* ways right now that affect people worldwide, we need to be able to adjust our social at a moment’s notice. Ie. Schools suddenly being closed means a LOT more people are homeschooling while trying to uphold everything else. Now a lot of social needs to cater to parents who are struggling to keep it all together.
  • Re-think filler content – the fluff that is now considered tone-deaf. It will seem flippant. Adjust to make more meaningful, relevant and encouraging posts.If you were planning a product launch, whether physical or online, unless it’s relevant to helping those deal with coronavirus, push the launch back or offer it at a discounted rate to ‘help’ people cope/thrive amidst the crisis. 
  • Encourage a sense of normality. I know this sounds counterintuitive considering every aspect of your approach has to change to address the ‘current time,’ but people want to feel like life doesn’t have to be stressful. Be positive, encourage humor if it fits your brand, and be light-hearted in your imagery and captions. Strike a balance though – you don’t want to be so positive that you’re tone-deaf to those who are struggling, but you also want to stay out of joining the struggle which would bring those who aren’t struggling so much down.
  • Engage with your community. This is the perfect time to actually engage in conversation with your community – everyone is online right now more than ever and because of social distancing, are socializing online looking for community. Use this time to be there for your community, whether it’s just replying to your IG posts or engaging in a deeper discussion on your products or services. If you don’t have a lot of followers or discussion on your own accounts, find out where your niche is likely hanging out and engage with them there, without being salesy – if they’re interested, they’ll find out who you are and what you sell. Attract, don’t push. 
  • ll in all, this is a delicate time and requires us keeping our eyes and ears open and a sensitivity to the energy of our target audience. 

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